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Caroline Freeman College

Services used:

Commercial Painting


Cumberland Street

We had the opportunity to work on Caroline Freeman College over two summers which was no small feat. The facility itself required full scaffolding of around 150 rooms!

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Before/After glasshouse imageBefore/after image of glasshouse clean up
Before/After glasshouse imageBefore/after image of glasshouse clean up

The building was due to be repainted not having been painted for 10-15 years, and the coloursteel roof was leaking which required repair.

To get jobs like this you’ve really got to understand the full scope of commercial work. We needed University accreditation. To do this requires a complete and thorough understanding of Health and Safety along with a swag of other essential accreditations! And we’re required to show all our insurances and certificates are up to date.

To work for the University, they must KNOW we’re able to get the work done on time. A big factor for these jobs is the deadline. They’re huge jobs, where multiple contractors are working, scaffolding must come down at certain times, and we’re generally the last contractor required to finish the job off.

A big part of what makes our work so effective on these sites is our ability to communicate with the contractors onsite. We all must work together, those on site must know that when we’re asked to finish a part of the job, when we say we’re going to finish a part of the job, that we’ll do that.

So we’ve developed that reputation. A job must keep moving forward, that only happens when the work gets done when it should!

This job required that we were able to manage our staff, other contractors and the job requirements effectively. Doing work too early meant repainting fresh paint which was damaged, doing work too late held up the job. There’s a fine line to doing the least amount of work for the desired effect, at the lowest cost to the client, but it’s a skill we pride ourselves on.

“I only wanna do it once, I’m not a big fan of repeat work!” – Steve.

Please drive by and look at Caroline Freeman College. It’s a job we’re tremendously proud of. Our clients were extremely happy and have asked us back to do more work for them which is important to us as it validates our efforts.

Repeat work not only requires that our standard of workmanship remains high, it relies on our ability to maintain our consistent standards throughout the company, our staff, our pricing, our safety, our flexibility to adjust to changes, all of it.

There’s a bar that’s set, and we strive to maintain our level well above it!

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